Bible zones


Sunday mornings begin with Bible Zones.  During this time children are placed in age-appropriate groupings as they explore God’s Word.  Children are encouraged to bring their Bibles – we use them!


KIDS’ 252 Worship


Luke 2:52 says, “And Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.”

This time is packed full of worship and fun! Through videos, music, games, creative activities and small group discussions, the goal is for our children to embrace the Word of God and to learn how to apply it to their daily lives. We want to help them make wise choices, build strong relationships with others and develop deeper faith in their Creator.


WAM (Worship through the Arts & Missions)


WAM is a self-designed approach that employs the expertise of our own church members to teach specific skills while incorporating Biblical truths.  Mission opportunities within our community are also a major part of this ministry. Wednesday nights begin with a Bible lesson and small group time before the children head off to their WAM classes.


We love our volunteers in the Children ministry. However, our love will pale in comparison to the love you will receive from our children. While God may be calling you to love on children, you will soon discover that they are loving on you.


Service Opportunities

We are looking for adults who have a heart to serve. There are many opportunities to help in our children’s ministry. Whether you prefer to serve weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-quarterly, or quarterly, we have the perfect place of ministry for you!  Each volunteer undergoes background checks and sexual assault checks as well as training that is geared towards their specific area of service.


Top Reasons to be a helping hand in the Children’s Ministry

  • Smiles and giggles are freely given

  • You will see the children growing before your very eyes

  • Children will think anything you say, do, or sing is wonderful and terrific

  • And the number one reason to be a helping hand: You will be Following Jesus' example of welcoming our children into the Family of God.