When Christ is central:


We behold His glory …

Glory is not an experience we create, but the weighty splendor of God revealed to us in Christ and His Word. We worship God, not as we want Him to be, but behold Him as HE IS.

We belong to His family …

Church is not a place, but a people. We are not randomly or loosely affiliated; we have been adopted into the family of God. Therefore, more than names on a roll, we belong to one another.

We become His reflection …

All humans bear the image of the God who made them. Sin, however, has so disfigured that image that His likeness is not easily recognized. As we abide and grow in Christ, the image of God in us is being restored day by day.

We bear His mission …

While on earth, Jesus’ mission was plain: seek and save the lost. When Jesus left this world, He entrusted that mission to His followers. Until Jesus returns, WE carry on that mission.