LLL Club Logo.jpg

Our senior adult ministry offers plenty of ways to connect, grow, and serve. One of our main get togethers is LLL Club (Live Longer and Like it) that has been open to seniors all over Winchester since 1975. We have a potluck meal, devotional, and special program every third Tuesday of each month. The first Tuesday of the month is our Out-to-Lunch, when we travel to local restaurants and tourist sites near the area. We have a very active homebound ministry that tries to minister to all of our shut-in members.



The senior adults were led to organize a club on February 17, 1976; it was named the LLL (Live Longer and Like It) Club.  Annually they elect their own officers; they plan their own programs, and meet once a month for their devotional, business, program, and potluck luncheon. 
The minister of activities first began senior adult ministries, during the nineteen seventies. Then the minister of education became the staff-person who served as senior adult adviser.  In 1986 the responsibility became a part of the job description of the music director/organist.  In 1991 a job description was written for senior adult director, the first time a staff title was used.

In 1987 the senior adult program was expanded to include a monthly visitation program at the local nursing facility.  Senior adults conclude each visitation period in the dining area with a sing-a-long with residents and a solo or duet.



  • An exercise program, especially for seniors, is offered for our senior adults at Parks and Recreation/ College Park.

  • A monthly out-to-lunch program, sometimes with an occasional sightseeing side trip to surrounding towns and counties, has been established.

  • In the spring and/or fall, senior adults spend three days/two nights at one of our State Resort Parks.



Highlights of the year is the senior adult weekend with a banquet (or brunch) and special recognition at the worship service Sunday morning when senior adults also participate in a variety of ways.
The LLL Club Band was formed in April, 1978.  The organist was its accompanist and did the scheduling of trips.  The band has played their entertaining music for church groups, nursing homes and civic affairs all over Kentucky and in Tennessee, Georgia, Colorado, Indiana, and Ohio as well.  With a change in repertoire they have led in worship services also.  They average between fifty and sixty programs each year.


David or Glenda Hoffman, Directors

Phone: (859)745-2919